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Sayed Mohammed Zahir P

Certified Data Analyst

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          PROJECT MRF

MRF Tyres Kondotty also known as Pallikkal tyres is a franchisee of MRF Private Limited, Chennai. The company provides align and tyre related services rather than tyre sales. The project focus on analysis of past sale data. 

The data and files related to the project are posted in GitHub

Data Collection

The data collection section contains the data information about where the data is being collected and the source of data.

Data Alteration

The simple alternation and challenges faced while loading data into Power Bi

Data Cleaning

The main part of analyzing is cleaning of data which this section showcases 

Interactive Dashboard

The final section where we create interactive dashboard and create insights from it.



The Udemy Project contains data about financial courses in Udemy . We used SQL for the data cleaning and insights. The Data related to project is posted in GitHub :

Data Cleaning

Information about data source and data cleaning process.


Showcases Insights got from the cleaned data

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