After cleaning the Data it had loaded into Power BI. In this section we will see small alterations done in Power Bi and some challenges faced during the Transform Process also the data connections and tables.
Steps Applied
The steps applied in the power query are:
- The column removed is the first column which describes the month year and datatype . it is probably not necessary for our visualization.
- The Data type of all column has been changed manually by its category.
- While cleaning the data in Python we came know that in Purchase unit some of the data is missing or null. As a result it has filtered out or removed as the small nulls (18 rows) doesn't cause any impact.
- The data appended was the data of the year 2021.
DIM Tables
Two Dimension table has been added to empower the data. DIM Date and Group Table. To find the quantity among the groups separate table is created using quantity and item group. The quantity has been unpivoted to item group
Data Connection
The connection from Date_DIM to Fact table is a one to many connection whereas the connection between Group Table and Fact Table is a Many to Many connection. In the next section we will create insights rom the Dash Table.